Whenever employee feel connected to an organization; they are dedicated, enthusiastic and stay longer. Despite facing complications and obstacles they always put their best foot forward and motivate others to do the same. It is considered as a miraculous solution for all workplace challenges.

Employees are the backbone and pillars of a successful workplace. It doesn’t matter at what level they work; their strength, emotional connection and diligence cannot be measured by any monetary reward.

Organizations running smoothly, achieving their goals and boosting their performance, isn’t an easy task, it takes a lot of effort; effort of the employees to run all errands and complete all tasks with efficacy.

Employee engagement is a key concept that shows the level of dedication, commitment and emotive attachment that an employee has with its work and workplace. The more employees perform better the more it helps in taking positive steps towards the progress of the workplace.

What Is Employee Engagement Survey?

Before starting the pros of employee engagement survey we should keenly understand the purpose of these surveys.  It’s simply a tool that helps to understand the level of dedication and attachment an employee has with the workplace. The primary reason of this survey is to establish a dualistic communication and involve employees. This survey will provide with a valuable feedback which you can implement to achieve the organizational goals.

Employee engagement surveys can be conducted in all sectors; like

  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Real state
  • Healthcare
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Education

In this blog post we will see how employee engagement survey can help in bringing a positive upswing to a higher productivity, improved retention rates, lowering absenteeism that can take your organization to the next level. We will also see how Surview can help to create this survey easy like a cakewalk.


7 Benefits of Employee Engagement Survey are:

  1. Uncover the engagement level
  2. Retain high performers
  3. Realize the employee knowledge gaps
  4. Motivated and contented employees
  5. Lesser Absenteeism
  6. Identify individual employee’s weaknesses
  7. Give employees an opinion

Now let’s understand these points in sequence

  1. Uncover the engagement level: There are different levels at which an employee is dedicated to the workplace. With Surview you can actually check at which level does your employee stand at?

There are different levels of employee engagement

  • Highly engaged: Dedicated to stay for long term.
  • Moderate engaged: Promising but look for other opportunities
  • Barely engaged: Actively disengaged and not interested in the workplace.
  • Disengaged: Lack of commitment and have an adverse opinion about the workplace
  1. Retain high performers: We never want our talented  employees to leave, and  hiring and training new employees will result enormously expensive, therefore it is necessary  to promote engagement in order to make the right decision and less likely to leave.
  2. Realize the employee knowledge gaps: It is very necessary that we must always know where our employee lacks the most. The gap of new knowledge and skills can create inefficiency and ineffectiveness. These issues can be addressed by conducting training sessions, meetings and seminars. This will also result in employee performance betterment and talent development. 
  3. Motivated and contented employees: Peace of mind at work place is one of the most important things. So, how can we know if our employees are motivated, contented and dedicated without conducting a survey? The fewer problems they have at work the more efficiently they work.
  4. Lesser Absenteeism: Employees not coming for days or even weeks at work or even resigning without informing shows how disengaged and treacherous they are. This results in low productivity and slows down the effectiveness to complete projects. Conducting a survey with Surview, may let you know the reason behind employees not being punctual.
  5. Identify individual employee weakness: Through employee engagement survey you can get an overview about the strengths and weakness of all the employees individually. This will help not only your workplace to be more proficient but will also help employees to learn new skills and overcome their weaknesses. Surview also provides a huge range of templated to assess employee career development needs.
  6. Give employees an opinion: We have often realized that we don’t get a chance to propose our ideas, complains, requests and views to the authority directly. With a survey we can give a voice to all employees and know their opinion.

How Surview can help?

Let’s get started and create your own survey!

Surview is right here to help you to create your own survey with wide variety of templates to choose from or you can start your own survey from scratch.

Start a survey today with Surview and step towards improvements at your workplace.

Check our other survey templates like 360 Degree Employee Feedback.